Version: v1.6.0

Write a C++ test

We strongly recommend each developer to write C++ unit tests when sending a PR.

  • We use googletest as the C++ test infrastructure.
  • C++ tests should be added to the tests/cpp/ directory.
  • Make sure your C++ test source file is covered by this CMake glob.

Build and run Taichi C++ tests

# build taichi with tests enabled
TAICHI_CMAKE_ARGS="-DTI_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON" python setup.py develop

# run the C++ test
python tests/run_tests.py --cpp

Consider polishing the C++ test infrastructure:

  • Separate each translation unit into its own test executable
  • Have a unified script to control the execution of which set of tests

Add a new test case

Please follow Googletest Primer and Advanced googletest Topics.